Contact Us
US: +1 512 898-9222
SG: +65 3138-4148
In India, the License Holder must be involved in the importing and customs clearance process for medical and IVD devices for which it holds the Import License. Asia Actual is committed to fair, efficient and transparent importing transactions. Competitively bid third-party services (e.g., freight forwarding) are charged on a pass-through basis. A Shipment Report is generated per event to record fees and document receipts.
Basic support from Asia Actual will involve taking title of the shipment through customs clearance and managing the following activities:
Optional support services are available such as long-term storage, break bulk, labeling, and order fulfillment.
Contact Asia Actual for more information on our importing and customs clearance services in India.
US: +1 512 898-9222
SG: +65 3138-4148
เอเชีย แอคชวล
एशिया वास्तविक
실제 아시아
515 Congress Avenue, Suite 2100
Austin, TX 78701
+1 512 898-9222
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116 Changi Road, #04-05