Medical device manufacturers looking to establish or improve sales in the US market should contact our team for market insight and strategy development.
Medical device manufacturers looking to establish or improve sales in the US market should contact our team for market insight and strategy development.
Medical device manufacturers that are serious about growing sales in Hong Kong/Southeast Asia should consider registration a mandatory step.
Uncertainty. If there is one word that best describes the global outlook during the 2020 pandemic this might be one that everyone can agree on.
Vietnam has been quietly transforming their economy of 100 million people into a regional powerhouse. Through a combination of significant private investment, the US-China trade war, and their highly successful handling of the Coronavirus, Vietnam’s economy is expected to rebound quickly, especially with regards to manufacturing.
In December 2019, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) of Singapore’s Ministry of Health released guidelines regarding software registration in Singapore, including a major section dedicated to AI software.
In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Thai FDA announced on March 5, 2020 that they will cancel their plans to begin regulating alcohol gel sanitizers as medical devices.
The Thai government has voiced their commitment to ending the epidemic by supporting preventative awareness, access to cost-effective tests and treatment resources through public investment and/or private partnerships.
Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) recently published final revisions regarding importing non-registered medical devices under special circumstances, including for research and personal use only, scarce or urgently needed, to be used by a Korean laboratory, clinical trials and/or orphan products.
Manufacturers interested in registering a medical device in China can now submit electronic documents online through the new eRPS system.
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