Contact Us
US: +1 512 898-9222
SG: +65 3138-4148
The importation process is often considered a black box of fees, timelines, and requirements that many manufacturers can never fully grasp as distributors intentionally try to muddy the waters to keep more money in their pockets. Asia Actual’s transparent operations provide manufacturers with unique insights into every shipment so that they can not only feel comfortable with the process, but can also ensure they are maximizing their profits. As part of our importation service, clients are able to use our Optimal Transfer Price Calculator that lays out all of the fees, including those that are reimbursable, to allow them to better determine what their optimal transfer price.
Historically, manufacturers will choose a trivial price, like 40%, of their home market price to sell to products to their distributors regardless of the market’s situation. This can sometimes leave a lot of money on the table as their distributors undervalue the market price and overvalue the importation costs. Our Optimal Transfer Price removes the guessing and allows manufacturers to see exactly how much their product costs to import.
By allowing manufacturers to calculate the cost of shipping, insurance, import duties, VAT tax(es), transportation costs, etc, up front, our clients can better negotiate with their distributor(s) to maximize their profits.
Contact Asia Actual to learn if the Optimal Transfer Price Calculator service is right for your business.
US: +1 512 898-9222
SG: +65 3138-4148
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515 Congress Avenue, Suite 2100
Austin, TX 78701
+1 512 898-9222
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