A list of recently published and updated articles regarding medical device regulatory updates from the governing bodies throughout Asia.

How New EU MDR Requirements Will Affect Registrations in Asia

As manufacturers finish transitioning to the new EU MDR requirements, it will be important to understand the implications of these changes on existing licenses around the world.

Indonesia e-Catalogue Implementation Review, December 2022

On April 7th, 2022, the Indonesian Ministry of Health announced a new open enrollment policy allowing manufacturers to list sales prices much easier. Under the new process, listings are accepted upon submission and published online as soon as the next day.

Indonesia Revamps eCatalogue Procurement System

On February 11th and 14th, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia implemented significant structural and procedural changes to the government procurement system known as e-Catalogue as it applies to medical devices (reference announcement KN.01.04/3/630/2022). Under the new rules, oversight of the e-Catalogue has been moved under the Ministry of Health and will not require negotiations.

Indonesia Issues New Guidance for Freezing Medical Devices on eCatalogue

On July 6, 2022, the Ministry of Health released updated guidance outlining the process for freezing medical device categories on the eCatalogue,

Hong Kong to Pilot Prioritizing Some Listed Medical Devices

Hong Kong’s MDD announced the start of a pilot program that will give preference to MDACS listed medical devices.

Good Distribution Practice Requirements in Indonesia

In 2014, the Indonesian Ministry of Health introduced the Good Method of Distribution of Medical Devices (or CDAKB) in order to enforce good distribution practice requirements in the country.

China’s NMPA Begins Issuing Registration Certificates Electronically

On October 26, 2022, the NMPA issued a notice to begin implementing electronic registration certificates for certain approved medical devices.

Expedited Market Access Now Available in Philippines

On September 27th 2022, the Philippines FDA published Circular No. 2022-008 announcing that Class B, C, and D medical devices that have been already approved by a member country of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will be eligible for the Reliance registration route, allowing for a quicker review and expedited market access.

Asia Actual is the Best Medical Device Consulting Company in Asia

Manufacturers looking to Southeast Asia to help grow their medical device sales will need to become familiar with the Common Submission Dossier Template, or “CSDT.”

Transfer of Product Registration of Alcohol Swabs from CDRRHR to CDRR

Announced on September 6, 2022, FDA Advisory 2022-1576, the Philippines FDA has announced that the alcohol swabs with at least 70% isopropyl alcohol intended for antiseptic use now falls under the jurisdiction of the Center for Drug Regulation Research (CDRR) under Household Remedy Products.