A list of recently published and updated articles regarding medical device regulatory updates from the HSA and other governing bodies in Singapore.

Singapore HSA Regulations on Hand Sanitizers, Masks, Thermometers, and Protective Gear

Hand sanitizers are not considered medical devices and therefore, do NOT need approval from the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) in Singapore.

Singapore Releases New Guidance of Medical Device Software

Singapore’s HSA has updated their requirements for software application submissions, requiring the specific version number and iteration of the software to be sold in Singapore.

Medical Device Shipments During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 impacts medical device shipment logistics. Manufacturers will need to adapt their supply chain in order to meet demands and lower costs.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software Registration in Singapore

In December 2019, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) of Singapore’s Ministry of Health released guidelines regarding software registration in Singapore, including a major section dedicated to AI software.

4 Product Development Decisions that Impact Sales Performance in Asia

US medical device manufacturers typically launch new products in Asia only after establishing success in the US and Europe. However, decisions made in the product development process have significant impact on regulatory costs, time to market and ultimately sales results in Asia. Address these four points to ensure fastest time-to-revenue in Asian markets.