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US: +1 512 898-9222
SG: +65 3138-4148
The China National Medical Products Administration or NMPA is the national regulatory body and competent authority for medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics (IVDs) in China. In 2018, the name was changed from the State Food and Drug Administration or SFDA to the NMPA. The NMPA is based in Beijing and overseas the regulation of drugs, medical devices (including IVDs), and cosmetics. They regularly issue new notices, draft guidance, regulations, and compulsory standards on their website (EN / CN)
More information on the NMPA and their mission, as well as their leaders, can be found here.
The NMPA has gone through several significant changes over the last 10 years as they try to establish themselves as an internationally recognizes regulatory body. At this time, approval by China’s NMPA is not recognized as a Reference Country and eligible for expedited review in most countries. As the NMPA continues to build out their standards and align with global expectations, this is expected to change, significantly benefiting local Chinese manufacturers and early market entrants seeking medical device registration in Southeast Asia.
Asia Actual’s new tool for RA professionals, R.O.S.E., can help identify Same-Type devices (aka Predicate Devices) and their classification. Click here to learn more.
The NMPA has made several significant updates in the last few years including the following:
US: +1 512 898-9222
SG: +65 3138-4148
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