A list of recently published and updated articles regarding medical device regulatory updates from the governing bodies throughout Asia.

Philippines FDA Publishes Revised Draft of New IVD Regulations

The Philippines FDA hosted a public consultation to introduce a revised draft version of new IVD Regulations along with a definitive timeline for implementation.

Philippines’ FDA Issues Customs Clearance Guidance for Radiation Products

On June 3, 2022, the Philippines’ FDA issued Circular No.2017-013-A: amendment To FDA Circular No. 2017-013, titled, “Guidelines On The Issuance of Clearance for Customs Release (CFCR) of Radiation Devices by the Food And Drug Administration – Center For Device Regulation, Radiation Health, And Research (FDA-CDRRHR).” The amendment updates the guidance to align FDA Circular 2017-013 with DOH AO 2018-0002 and to help clarify the Clearance for Customs Release (CFCR) requirements for the industry and at the Bureau of Customs (BOC) for radiation products.

China Issues Recommendation for Medical Device Clinical Data

For medical device registration in China, one of the most important documents to be provided is  clinical data. 

NMPA Issues New Guidance for Medical Device Software in China

In March of 2022, the NMPA’s Center for Medical Device Evaluation (CMDE) released new guidance pertaining to registering medical device software in China.

TFDA Updates Review Timelines for Medical Device Applications

A Notification Published by the Thai Ministry of Public Health on November 2, 2020 exempts medical device manufacturers from the previous requirements regarding advertising approval in Thailand.

Philippines FDA Issues New Guidance for Vet Products

The Philippines FDA released an advisory stating veterinary products and medical devices will now be handled exclusively by the CDRR.

Philippines Extends Grace Period for Registration of Certain Medical Devices

The Philippines FDA released a draft Circular announcing an extension of the grace period for certain medical devices by 12 months.

TFDA Implements New Annual Reporting Requirements in Thailand

On June 1, 2022, the Thai FDA released Gazette 138, Section 118 requiring license holders submit annual reports by March 30th of every year.

Vietnam Releases New Medical Device Regulations

The MOH officially released Decree 98/2021 ND-CP, which implements significant new changes to the medical device registration process in Vietnam.

Thai FDA Streamlines Medical Device Registration Process

The TFDA will adjust the registration process and remove the initial pre-submission step beginning March 15, 2022. Beginning April 1, 2022, any classification and/or grouping questions can be submitted through a separate E-submission process for a 500 THB (US$15) fee each.