Tag Archive for: vietnam

Key Takeaways from VietNam’s CSDT Conference

On June 28, 2024, The Vietnam Ministry of Health hosted a training session on how to prepare an ASEAN MDD Common Standard Technical Document.

Medical Device Risk Classification Problems in Vietnam

According to a report published on May 7th, 2024, contractors have been apprehended misrepresenting IVD and Medical Device risk classification to participate in bidding parties.

Vietnam’s MoH Updates Class C and D Application Requirements

Per Decree 07/2022, the application requirements for new Class C and D applications submitted to the Vietnamese Ministry of Health (MoH) after January 1, 2024 will need to be in ASEAN Common Submission Dossier Template (CSDT) format, with the addition of a Vietnamese IFU.

Vietnam Requires Resubmission of Many Medical Device Registration Applications

All unapproved Class B, C and D MA License applications have been returned for resubmission for compliance to the new requirements.

Vietnam’s MOH Holds Conference on Price Declaration

The conference was held to provide clarity to the Price Declaration process and announce the establishment of a new online portal for license holders to declare prices. This comes as many provincial health services, including Ninh Binh and Dak Nong, have not been able to purchase medical products since January 1, 2022.

Vietnam’s DMEC Provides Update on Issuance of C/D Licenses

On September 14, 2022, the DMEC held a seminar to update the medical device industry on the issuance of Class C and D MA Licenses.

The Vietnamese MOH Issues Draft Decree to Address Delays

On November 15th, the Vietnamese Ministry of Health (MOH) issued a draft decree to amend a number of articles from a previous decree related to the registration of medical devices.

Vietnam Extends Validity of Medical Device Import Licenses

On March 3rd, 2023, the Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam, Tran Hong Ha, signed Decree No. 07/2023/ND-CP (Decree 07/2023), which automatically extended the validity of import licenses to December 31, 2024.

Vietnam Adjustments to the Medical Device Application Requirements 

Vietnam has recently made significant amendments to its medical device registration process and technical documentation requirements. The Ministry of Health (MOH) issued Circular 10/2023/TT-BY on May 11, 2023, outlining the new guidelines for pre-market approval.  

Vietnam Diagnostic Imaging Center Hosts AI Software Conference

On April 15th the MEDLATEC Diagnostic Imaging Center (MEDIM) hosted a conference to discuss the current state of AI-based software in diagnostic imaging in Vietnam.